Released on 8th May 1840, just 2 days after the Penny Black. For packages weighing more then half an ounce.The demand to send packages exceeding this weight was fairly low in the 19th century so production numbers were low and due to their rarity, they are often valued at double the price of Penny Blacks.Issued many years in a row.Stamps produced in the year 1840 are the most valuable due to its unique design. Those that were produced in years to follow had a white line below the word "postage" and a white line above the words "two pence".In total, there are 10 distinct versions of the stamps and the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue assigns numbers 2, 4, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 29 and 30 to these versions.
The main features that distinguish each version are the combinations of the following features:
Two different perforation gauges
Two distinct watermarks
White and blued paper
Scott 2: imperforate, no white lines (1840)
Imperforate.No white lines above and below Queen Victoria’s profile.
Watermark small crown.
Also refer to as the "two-penny no lines added design"
Has the highest catalog value, $35,000 unused and $700 used.

Scott 4: imperforate, white lines added (1841)
ImperforateTwo horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark small crown.
The white lines were added to the original design when it was reissued in 1841 to distinguish it from the first design.
The color of the 2d stamp remained the same.
In February 1841, the color of the Penny Black was changed to red.
According to a Treasury Minute dated Dec. 17, 1840, “… it may be important, hereafter, to have the means of distinguishing the new Twopenny Labels from the old ones …”
All versions of the Two-Penny Blue printed after the first one in 1840 have the two white lines.

Scott 10: perf 16, watermark small crown (1854)
Perforation gauge is 16.Two horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark small crown.
First perforated 2d blue stamp.
Official perforations came into use on Great Britain’s postage stamps on Jan. 31, 1854.

Scott 13: perf 14, watermark small crown (1855)
Perforation gauge is 14.Two horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark small crown.
All the characteristics with Scott 10, except the perforation gauge is 14.

Scott 15: perf 16, watermark large crown (1855)
Perforation gauge is 16.Two horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark large crown and shaped differently to small crown.
Collectors make watermarks on stamps visible by dipping them in watermark fluid and viewing them from the back against a background of black glass or plastic.
Plate 6

Scott 17: perf 14, blued paper, large crown (1855).
Perforation gauge is 14.Two horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark large crown and shaped differently to small crown.
Blued paper
Can be identified by the usually heavily blued paper, which is visible when the stamp is turned over and viewed from the back.
Plate 5

Plate 6

Scott 19: perf 16, white paper, thin white lines, large crown (1858)
Perforation gauge is 16.Two thinner horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark large crown and shaped differently to small crown.
White paper
Scott 21: perf 14, white paper, thin white lines, large crown (1857)
Perforation gauge is 14.Two thinner horizontal white lines, at the top and at the bottom of Victoria’s head.
Watermark large crown and shaped differently to small crown.
White paper
Scott 19 and Scott 21 can be properly identified by establishing the tint of the paper first. White paper is usually very distinct from blued paper.
Scott 29: letters in all four corners, thick white lines, plate numbers 7, 8, 9 or 12 in design (1858)
Check letters appeared in all four corners.
Plate numbers were engraved in the engine-turned scroll work to the left and right of the queen’s profile.
Scott 29 is any example bearing plate numbers 7, 8, 9, or 12. These numbers were engraved vertically in the fine detail of the pillars behind the queen’s head and in front of her face.
Plate 7

Plate 8

Plate 9
Plate 12
Scott 30: letters in all four corners, thin white lines, plate numbers 13, 14 or 15 in design (1870)
The last plates used were plates 13, 14, and 15 and these plate numbers were engraved in the scroll work on the left and right.
Any example with letters in all four corners engraved with any of these plate numbers is Scott 30.
Another difference between Scott 29 and 30 is the thickness of the white lines.
The lines are thicker on examples of Scott 29 than they are on Scott 30.
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